Scenario Analysis

Explore, visualize and analyze scenarios

What-if on the graph is available via the Sensitivity Analysis module.



  • Impact analysis on a part of the graph toward a target node.

  • Applying evidence to one or more nodes and resamples.

  • Reverse Stress Testing.

  • Graph queries.

  • Retrieve marginals and joint distributions.

  • Analyse distributions moments and quantiles.


  • Koller D, Friedman N. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. MIT press; 2009.
  • Nielsen TD, Jensen FV. Bayesian networks and decision graphs. Springer Science & Business Media; 2009 Mar 17. - 5 Analysis Tools for Bayesian Networks p167
  • Darwiche A. Modeling and reasoning with Bayesian networks. Cambridge university press; 2009 Apr 6. - 17 Learning: The Maximum Likelihood Approach p439, 18 Learning: The Bayesian Approach p477.
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