Release Highlights
Major Updates
- TKRISK R1124: Group Operations
- TKRISK R924: Performance enhancements
- TKRISK R724: Multistep expansion
- TKRISK R524: Table operations
- TKRISK R324: Table attributes
- TKRISK R124: Multi-tab Graph Editor
- TKRISK R1023: Enhanced scrambling for low discrepancy sequence generators
- TKRISK R723: 50K-dimension low discrepancy sequence generator
- TKRISK R523: Enhanced graph editing
- TKRISK R1022: Bayesian networks calibration
- TKRISK R522: Multistep Bayesian networks enhancements and major performance optimizations
- TKRISK R122: Multistep Bayesian networks
- TKRISK R921: Parent node as distribution parameter
- TKRISK R621: Deterministic expression editor
Release Details by Product
- Scenario Generation
- Enabling multi group selection
- Enabling joint selection of groups and nodes
- Enhanced CPD table edition for continuous nodes
- Enabling inclusion of groups containing subgroups into other groups
- Enhanced group selection pop-up
- Alphabetical sorting of nodes in workspace and multistep components
Scenario Analysis- Possibility to collapse and expand groups
- Added layout spacing factor
- Updated list of layout algorithms
R1124 Group Operations
- Performance enhancements on node operations and multistep component
- Extended lag nodes maximum depth to 99
- Index type selection in table attributes
- Enable search and replace for groups
R924 Performance enhancements
- Introduced concept of lagged node
- Possibility to expand graphs to future time steps
- Sampling of expanded multistep graphs directly from the UI
- Detection and addition of missing edges
- Detection of unnecessary edges
- Handling of default graph attributes
R724 Multistep expansion
- Addition of mean, max, min and sum operations on table attributes
- Selection of root/leaf nodes
- Selection of ancestors/descendants of a node
- Cycles detection
- Node navigation through keyboard arrows
- Tab context menu
- Table edition enhancements
R524 Table operations
- Data tables can be created and attached to deterministic nodes
- Default node attributes can be defined at the application level
- Performance enhancements on lists and tables
R324 Table attributes
- Graphs can be loaded in separate tabs
- Graph editor can be split into four sections by drag and droping tabs
- Graph editor can now display a legend based on node colors
- Possibility to hide/show nodes
R124 Multi-tab Graph Editor
- Enhanced scrambling algorithms for low discrepancy sequence generators
- Node names search and replace feature
- User defined nodes colouring
- Collective node editing enhancements
R1023 Enhanced scrambling for low discrepancy sequence generators
- New low discrepancy sequence generator handling 50K dimensions
- UI ribbon replaces former menu bar
- Group edition window is now embedded and replaces former pop-up
- Various UI optimizations
R723 50K-dimension low discrepancy sequence generator
- Allow for expansion/collapse of groups
- Allow for layouts to be applied at group level
- Added scaling factor to layouts
- Enhanced conditional probability table editing
- Enhanced graph context menu for multi-node selection
R523 Enhanced graph editing
- Bayesian networks calibration: Categorical, Continuous and Mixture node calibration
- Multistep light-format specification enhancements, naming conventions refactoring and improved documentation
- Relocate validations, exception type enhancements and bug fixing
- Update decompress/compress tkrisk file to improve loading time
- Adding redirect URI in samples interfaces
R1022 Bayesian networks calibration
- Multistep 'light' JSON format specification for networks
- Extending multistep sampling with optional outputs styles
- Sample statistics
- Sample histograms
- Multistep node topological sampling order
- Categorical node sample data type update
- Node sample type inference and validation during network initialization
- Sampling optimizations to improve execution time scaling with large sample counts
- Graph styles improvement
- Memory usage optimization
- Application examples
R522 Multistep Bayesian networks enhancements and performance optimizations
- Handle multistep with hyper Bayesian networks
- Multistep load and sample interface methods
- Hyper Graph
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Change node type
- Save graph/view snapshots
- Line breaks handling in nodes labels
- Programatically create a deterministic expression with the sum of all parent nodes
- Custom font size on group names and plots' axes
- Center graph view on specific group
- Select a node from workspace recenters it
- Reset positioning on selected nodes
R122 Multistep Bayesian networks
- Parent node as parameter in continuous, mixture and discrete nodes distribution definition
- Networks bulk download/upload
- Custom quick access toolbar
- Modal window for graph metadata manipulation
- CPD table more restrictic to accept only valid values
- Ability to copy/paste group
R921 Parent node as distribution parameter
- User cancellation of operations
- Timeout of operations configurable in settings panel
- Limit of memory usage configurable in settings panel
- Deterministic nodes expression editor with syntax highlighting and autocomplete
- Deleted networks can be recovered from the recycle bin
- Simplified CPD tables for categorical nodes
- Simplified set attributes and group creation
- Nodes copy paste across graphs
- Customized components layout through selection (open/close) and repositioning (drag and drop)
- Top ribbon replaces former drop down menus and directed graph editor buttons
- Save network from Files panel
- Graph analytics includes number of nodes and edges
- Modularized html documentation
- Chart preview layout options: horizontal, vertical, automatic or multiline
- Plots can include units in horizontal axis
- Selection of nodes positioning algorithm
- Option to avoid warning before cleaning results
- Metadata loaded by default
- Metadata stickiness
- Handle line breaks in expression editor
- TKRISK version included in meta file
- Nodes naming/renaming through modal window
- Styles enhancements